Physio Adelaide: What Is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapists are specially trained health professionals who use physical therapies like massage and acupuncture to assist their patients with various injuries or chronic health conditions that impair movement. Furthermore, massage can also help relieve any associated pain.

physio AdelaidePhysiotherapy is a science-based profession with a holistic, whole person approach to health and wellbeing, including encouraging healthy lifestyle choices and preventing disease. To know which physio Adelaide open Saturday, click here.

What is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is an evidence-based healthcare profession that utilises movement and exercise, manual therapy, patient education and advice to enhance health and well-being. Physiatrists utilise their hands-on skills and are covered by statutory health insurance plans when practicing their craft.

At your physiotherapy session, the therapist will conduct an in-depth medical history analysis as well as utilise physical tests and measures to ascertain the source of your discomfort or disability and create an individualised treatment plan that best meets your needs.

Physiotherapy techniques used by physiotherapists may include soft tissue massage, joint manipulation, iontophoresis (which administers medications through the skin) and electrical stimulation (e-stim) to alleviate pain and muscle spasms. Exercise and hydrotherapy may also be employed to aid joint mobility and strength gains. Acupuncture may also be utilised to manage pain and swelling while providing instruction for self-managed home exercises to help avoid future injuries from occurring. These services may be offered both hospital clinics as well as private practices who welcome self-referrals from individuals themselves.

Physiotherapists diagnose and treat musculoskeletal conditions.

Physiotherapy can provide treatment for injuries or conditions of the muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones in the musculoskeletal system such as back injuries, sprains/strains, osteoarthritis, and other joint conditions. Physiotherapists typically diagnose and treat such ailments using exercises, massage therapy, heat therapy, electrical stimulation as well as patient education to achieve positive results. To know which physio Adelaide open Saturday, click here.

A physiotherapist can also help reduce re-injury by providing advice to improve posture and movement patterns to reduce repetitive stress injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder pain, neck problems, back pain, and tennis elbow. By monitoring patients during daily activities, they may identify poor techniques or posture that led to potential injuries.

Physiotherapists are specially trained in diagnosing musculoskeletal conditions and can refer patients when necessary to other health professionals, for instance assessing patients suspected of nerve injuries to see if other experts such as neurologists or surgeons would provide better management solutions.

Physiotherapists assist with post-surgical rehabilitation.

Surgery affecting the musculoskeletal system may result in reduced function and mobility which must be restored through rehabilitation. Your physiotherapist will develop an individualised treatment plan to assist you in returning to everyday activities while meeting long-term goals.

Physiotherapists can be invaluable resources for patients at risk of falling or who require additional hospital visits after surgery, improving balance and strength prior to and during rehabilitation. This will prevent muscle atrophy while hastening return home early as well as reduce further medical care needs post discharge from hospital.

No matter the time or date of your surgery or hospital discharge, our physiotherapists are here to provide hands on treatments such as manual therapy and massage, stretching exercises, exercise instruction and education on managing swelling. Call now for an appointment, no referral necessary!

Physiotherapists design personalised exercise programs.

Physiotherapy is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Therapists will consider each individual patient’s body when designing treatments; therefore, individual results may vary even for people with similar diagnoses. To know which physio Adelaide open Saturday, click here.

Personalised exercise programs have been proven to increase self-efficacy for regular physical activity. Unfortunately, however, many commonly prescribed programs lack this individual attention and do not consider each person’s specific needs and requirements.

A physiotherapist will create an exercise program tailored to achieving short and long-term goals, as well as any possible obstacles in their path to recovery. Furthermore, they may recommend any necessary modifications for patients to successfully implement the plan.

Physiotherapy exercise routines are often tailored to be carried out at home without needing special equipment, making them more likely to be followed regularly. Our bones and muscles enjoy variety; therefore, physiotherapists frequently change up an exercise regime to keep our bodies interested.