Tree Stump Removal – How Do I Get Rid Of A Stump?

Do you need to remove a tree stump? Many good reasons exist for completely removing a tree stump, the first of which is to improve the look of your landscaping. Tree stumps pose a tripping hazard for pedestrians, particularly in an area frequently travelled or children are often played. Stumps also provide unsightly and unsanitary conditions due to their location and poor sanitation practices. Stump removal can also help prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and fungus around the stump site.

A common approach to Stump Removal Adelaide is to cut it out. While this approach is perfectly acceptable when performed by someone experienced with tree removal, do-it-yourselfers might not have as much success removing these particular types of trees. Not only do the roots grow deep into the earth, but some roots may penetrate the earth itself, requiring additional digging to remove the stump completely. Further, cutting out large stumps can also lead to smaller stumps growing from the broken piece, leading to a vicious cycle in which one stump becomes bigger, requiring even more digging to remove it from its current location.

Another option when it comes to tree stump removal is to decompress it carefully. A fully decomposed stump can be dug up quite easily. Still, careful digging may prove too difficult if it has not completely decomposed. While it is possible to pull a stump out of the ground manually, most homeowners do not want to risk poking a hole and potentially damaging the surrounding soil. Luckily, most decomposed stumps can usually be extracted quite easily using a backhoe or other digging machine. Just make sure to plan this extraction carefully and only use it as a last resort when all other methods of removing the stump have been tried and failed.

Tree stumps are typically covered with leaves and debris, making it extremely difficult for any machines to access them without hitting the foliage and possibly killing the animal lying within. This can pose quite a danger to your lawn once the animal begins walking around. Therefore, you must get all of the leaves off the tree stump removal site as well as the stump itself before you remove it. After the initial clean-up phase, leave the area alone to go to work. Leave a sufficient amount of time between the removal and the actual date of tree removal for any re-growth of the stump to occur.

The tree stump removal process in Tree Ninja Adelaide can be slowed down by the arrival of a professional tree surgeon or entomologist. They will usually arrive at the location weeks ahead of the digging and root removal teams to do their best to slow down the rotting process. It is also important to hire the services of an entomologist for this type of an operation because most insects can spread the decay further by nesting in the decaying roots themselves. Many different insecticides are used to control decay, but some are considered more effective than others. The type of insecticide used on the tree stump’s roots will depend on the severity of the infestation and any previous infestations of the same area.

A tree stump may take a long period to decompose completely. Suppose you choose to use a soil entombment or Epsom salt method to remove it. In that case, you need to allow the area to get completely dry before taking any action. The process in Tree Ninja Adelaide is often completed using a heavy-duty excavator or other heavy machinery. Still, it can also be carried out by hand. Before you dig any holes for the extraction, ensure that the soil around the tree stump is completely dry.