Category Archives: Health News

Physio Adelaide: What Is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapists are specially trained health professionals who use physical therapies like massage and acupuncture to assist their patients with various injuries or chronic health conditions that impair movement. Furthermore, massage can also help relieve any associated pain.

physio AdelaidePhysiotherapy is a science-based profession with a holistic, whole person approach to health and wellbeing, including encouraging healthy lifestyle choices and preventing disease. To know which physio Adelaide open Saturday, click here.

What is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is an evidence-based healthcare profession that utilises movement and exercise, manual therapy, patient education and advice to enhance health and well-being. Physiatrists utilise their hands-on skills and are covered by statutory health insurance plans when practicing their craft.

At your physiotherapy session, the therapist will conduct an in-depth medical history analysis as well as utilise physical tests and measures to ascertain the source of your discomfort or disability and create an individualised treatment plan that best meets your needs.

Physiotherapy techniques used by physiotherapists may include soft tissue massage, joint manipulation, iontophoresis (which administers medications through the skin) and electrical stimulation (e-stim) to alleviate pain and muscle spasms. Exercise and hydrotherapy may also be employed to aid joint mobility and strength gains. Acupuncture may also be utilised to manage pain and swelling while providing instruction for self-managed home exercises to help avoid future injuries from occurring. These services may be offered both hospital clinics as well as private practices who welcome self-referrals from individuals themselves.

Physiotherapists diagnose and treat musculoskeletal conditions.

Physiotherapy can provide treatment for injuries or conditions of the muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones in the musculoskeletal system such as back injuries, sprains/strains, osteoarthritis, and other joint conditions. Physiotherapists typically diagnose and treat such ailments using exercises, massage therapy, heat therapy, electrical stimulation as well as patient education to achieve positive results. To know which physio Adelaide open Saturday, click here.

A physiotherapist can also help reduce re-injury by providing advice to improve posture and movement patterns to reduce repetitive stress injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder pain, neck problems, back pain, and tennis elbow. By monitoring patients during daily activities, they may identify poor techniques or posture that led to potential injuries.

Physiotherapists are specially trained in diagnosing musculoskeletal conditions and can refer patients when necessary to other health professionals, for instance assessing patients suspected of nerve injuries to see if other experts such as neurologists or surgeons would provide better management solutions.

Physiotherapists assist with post-surgical rehabilitation.

Surgery affecting the musculoskeletal system may result in reduced function and mobility which must be restored through rehabilitation. Your physiotherapist will develop an individualised treatment plan to assist you in returning to everyday activities while meeting long-term goals.

Physiotherapists can be invaluable resources for patients at risk of falling or who require additional hospital visits after surgery, improving balance and strength prior to and during rehabilitation. This will prevent muscle atrophy while hastening return home early as well as reduce further medical care needs post discharge from hospital.

No matter the time or date of your surgery or hospital discharge, our physiotherapists are here to provide hands on treatments such as manual therapy and massage, stretching exercises, exercise instruction and education on managing swelling. Call now for an appointment, no referral necessary!

Physiotherapists design personalised exercise programs.

Physiotherapy is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Therapists will consider each individual patient’s body when designing treatments; therefore, individual results may vary even for people with similar diagnoses. To know which physio Adelaide open Saturday, click here.

Personalised exercise programs have been proven to increase self-efficacy for regular physical activity. Unfortunately, however, many commonly prescribed programs lack this individual attention and do not consider each person’s specific needs and requirements.

A physiotherapist will create an exercise program tailored to achieving short and long-term goals, as well as any possible obstacles in their path to recovery. Furthermore, they may recommend any necessary modifications for patients to successfully implement the plan.

Physiotherapy exercise routines are often tailored to be carried out at home without needing special equipment, making them more likely to be followed regularly. Our bones and muscles enjoy variety; therefore, physiotherapists frequently change up an exercise regime to keep our bodies interested.

NDIS Physio Adelaide: How Does It Work?

The NDIS is a national disability support framework that provides participants with access to evidence-based support. These services help them work towards their goals and achieve greater independence.

Physiotherapy is one of these evidence-based supports. It is funded under the Capacity Building and Improved Daily Living Supports categories of your NDIS plan. For more information about the NDIS physio coverage Adelaide, click here.

In-home physiotherapy

NDIS physio coverage AdelaidePhysiotherapy is an essential support that can be found in most NDIS plans. It falls under Allied Health Services and is part of the NDIS’s goal to help participants improve their quality of life by facilitating independence and mobility. Physiotherapy is a therapy and rehabilitation technique that can be used to treat many different conditions and disabilities.

Whether you have a physical disability or are navigating the challenges of an acquired brain injury, physiotherapy can relieve and restore movement. It can also reduce pain and increase function in daily activities. It can even help prevent further deterioration of your physical health. In addition to physical improvements, physiotherapy has positive psychological impacts, including a sense of accomplishment and improved well-being.

Before a participant begins NDIS physiotherapy, they must undergo an initial assessment to understand their condition and goals. The evaluation will help determine the optimum treatment approach. It will also include a Functional Mobility Assessment to evaluate the participant’s ability to move from one position to another.

Many registered providers across Australia offer NDIS physiotherapy services. Realisation Healthcare is a registered NDIS provider for physiotherapy and can assist self-managed, agency or NDIS plan-managed participants. They can also provide a service agreement, which the NDIS recommends to ensure all parties know what services will be provided and the expected outcomes.


NDIS participants with mobility issues can benefit from hydrotherapy. The natural buoyancy of the water takes pressure off muscles and joints, reducing pain and swelling. It also helps improve muscle tone and strength while increasing balance and coordination. Additionally, it allows individuals with movement disabilities to undertake low-impact exercises they couldn’t do on land.

An NDIS Physiotherapist fully supervises individual hydrotherapy sessions in the pool. The therapist will assess your injury or condition and create an exercise program to achieve your goals. You can progress from these sessions to group hydrotherapy classes once ready.

Hydrotherapy can be combined with other NDIS therapies to help you achieve your goals and live a better life. For example, combining it with Occupational therapy (OT) can help you learn new skills to perform daily tasks. Alternatively, you can use it as an opportunity for social engagement with other people.

You can access NDIS physiotherapy through your plan’s Capacity Building or Improved Daily Living Supports categories. To get started, contact a physiotherapy provider such as Realisation Healthcare to arrange an initial assessment and develop a service agreement. This agreement will outline the number of treatments and costs. You should sign it and provide a copy to your plan manager or support coordinator. The therapist will document and report back on your progress.

Occupational therapy

Physiotherapy is an integral part of many people’s lives, and the NDIS makes it easier for participants to access it. The scheme funds costs associated with disability and allows participants to choose their providers. However, it can be hard to know what treatments are covered and which are not. This is why it’s essential to understand how the NDIS and physiotherapy work together.

The NDIS categorises physiotherapy under its Improved Daily Living budget. This category covers various treatments, including assessments and support services. It also includes physiotherapy, intended to help you live more independently. However, it’s important to note that the NDIS doesn’t cover physiotherapy if it is not directly related to your disability.

Whether using your funding or a third-party provider, Blys can help you arrange mobile physio sessions with qualified NDIS physiotherapists. Our customer support team will book your appointments and send the invoice to your NDIS plan manager or support coordinator. Our physiotherapists will usually bill the NDIS directly, but we can also work with agencies and third-party fund managers.

Exercise physiology

An NDIS-registered exercise physiologist is one of many therapeutic supports funded through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). This support helps people with permanent and significant disability to live an ordinary life. It also helps them to achieve their goals and maximise their independence.

A qualified exercise physiologist can help you build your capacity, reduce pain and anxiety, increase movement efficiency, improve strength, balance, coordination, posture, fitness, and sleep quality, decrease mood disorders, minimise spasticity and contractures, and participate in sports and community activities. They will also provide a personalised exercise program to help you achieve your goals.

Clinical exercise physiology is a broad field that includes many skills from other health and rehabilitation disciplines, such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and athletic training. However, unlike physiotherapy, which is more clinical, exercise physiology is focused on improving health and well-being through physical activity and exercise.

For more information about the NDIS physio coverage Adelaide, click here.

Physio Salisbury: What Is Hand Therapy Physio?

Hands play an essential role in our daily lives, and impaired or lost function can be debilitating.

Utilising a client-centred and occupation-based approach, our occupational therapists will assess what you want and need from rehabilitation, which will inform their individualised treatment program.

Physical Therapy

hand therapy physio SalisburyHand therapy provides rehabilitation for conditions, injuries, and surgeries affecting hands, wrists and elbows. It may be used to treat acute and chronic injuries like arthritis. Physical therapy aims to relieve symptoms and regain function; when selecting a therapist with expertise in this area.

Hand therapy physio Salisbury provides expert hand therapists who will collaborate with you to meet your recovery goals. Your therapist will use various techniques and evaluate your range of motion, strength, posture and nerve sensation at every session – then provide specific exercises tailored specifically for you and your condition between visits.

There are various paths to becoming a hand therapist, including completing an MSK rotation and shadowing one or doing clinical placement within this specialty in the NHS.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy (OT) aims to assist those who experience issues with their hands in performing daily activities or “occupations”, including cooking, cleaning, washing, dressing and using the toilet, and driving safely and comfortably. OT helps individuals adapt their processes or adapt to the environment they live in to achieve this aim.

An occupational therapist (OT) will assess your skills and the effect of your hand injury or condition on you before creating a plan to help you get back to your daily activities as quickly as possible, providing safe ways of performing them if needed.

Hand therapy physio Salisbury may modify your environment, teach new skills to you or suggest equipment that could assist. They might suggest exercises and other treatments to improve movement and hand-eye coordination.

Occupational therapists (OTs) provide more than just hand therapy – they also assist in treating schizophrenia, dementia, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), severe burns and trauma injuries, and complex chronic diseases such as multiple sclerosis.

Certified Hand Therapists (CHTs) are physical or occupational therapists with advanced training and clinical experience who specialise in treating disorders affecting upper extremity joints such as shoulders, elbows, wrists and hands. A CHT must pass an intensive exam before being granted this specialised credential.

Speech Therapy

Hands are vital tools, and suffering an injury or condition in one can significantly impede daily activities. Therefore, seeking hand therapy physio Salisbury treatment as soon as possible is paramount for patients to achieve greater independence and quality of life. Hand therapy offers excellent solutions that promote positive results that foster independence.

As a physiotherapist specialising in hand therapy, you’ll employ occupational and physical therapy methods to treat the upper extremity. These may include splinting, wound care and injections administered via needle, joint mobilisations exercises with active or resistive resistance and ultrasound imaging as part of treatment plans.

Hand therapists are also adept at conducting various dexterity tests to measure fine motor control loss in their patients, such as cerebral palsy, dyspraxia or sensory processing disorder. Dexterity loss may also result from trauma injuries to wrists or hands and neurological conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome and peripheral neuropathies.

Individuals generally cover training to become a hand therapist; however, some trusts offer static band five positions open to both physiotherapists and occupational therapists.

Neurological Therapy

Neurological physical therapy (NPT) is a hand therapy physio that can assist patients suffering from certain injuries and conditions. The goal is to enhance the range of motion, reduce pain and promote healing – sometimes even prevent future issues! PPT also addresses psychological and social concerns for each patient by providing education on their injury or condition before developing a personalised treatment plan tailored to each person’s needs.

Hand therapy is a subspecialty of occupational or physical therapy designed to aid those suffering from conditions affecting the hands, wrists, elbows and shoulder girdle. Such issues could include injuries, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and cerebral palsy – occupational or physical therapists can help these individuals return to daily activities more comfortably.

Hand therapy may be required when difficulty moving fingers, stiffness in hands and arms, numbness, or tingling are present. A hand therapist can diagnose their source and treat symptoms accordingly by offering guided exercises such as tendon gliding or joint blocking to address these concerns.

Advantages of Mobile Physio

When you are experiencing chronic pain, one of the benefits of mobile physio Adelaide is the reduced travel costs. In addition to this, it is also much less expensive than traditional physiotherapy. If you cannot drive to the clinic, you may benefit from this service if you don’t have easy access to transportation. Another advantage of mobile physio Adelaide is the convenience of scheduling an appointment. It will give the physiotherapist more time to focus on your condition. For more information about mobile physio Adelaide, visit now! 

Advantages of mobile physiotherapy

The AdvanceAllied mobile physiotherapy service in Adelaide offers a range of patient benefits. It allows patients with chronic conditions to receive treatment at home without needing to leave their homes. Patients with limited mobility or limited space are especially welcome in mobile physiotherapy. Another benefit is that patients do not have to travel to a physiotherapist’s clinic, which can be inconvenient for many patients. Patients can also book appointments in advance, which means less hassle for everyone involved.

The best advantage of mobile physiotherapy in Adelaide is its convenience. Patients do not have to travel to a stationary clinic, which greatly benefits those with limited mobility or limited space. Another benefit is that mobile physiotherapy is more affordable than traditional physiotherapy. It is also more convenient for patients with chronic pain problems who may not be able to leave the house. Furthermore, mobile physiotherapy allows patients to schedule appointments in advance and save precious time.


mobile physio AdelaideMobile physio Adelaide is ideal for people who cannot leave their homes and don’t have enough space for physical therapy. In addition, a mobile physiotherapist can treat you at home, eliminating the inconvenience of leaving your home. Mobile physiotherapists can also provide personalized exercise plans based on your particular condition. Because mobile physiotherapists do not have to pay gas or parking fees, this service is more cost-effective for most people.

Mobile physio Adelaide services are often less expensive than physical clinics. It is because registered physiotherapists bring their equipment to the patient’s location. They have the experience and training to treat various conditions. Therefore, you can choose a convenient location for you and your loved one. In addition to physiotherapists with specialized knowledge, mobile physio Adelaide services can also be cheaper than a physical clinic. The physiotherapist can bring all the necessary equipment to your location.


For patients needing physical therapy, a mobile physio Adelaide service is an excellent alternative to a conventional physiotherapy clinic. A mobile therapist will come to the patient’s home for treatment. It is especially beneficial for patients who do not have enough space to visit a clinic or live alone. A mobile physiotherapist can visit the patient at any time of the day or night. Depending on the size of the home, the visit may take up to an hour. For more information about mobile physio Adelaide, visit now! 

The AdvanceAllied mobile physio Adelaide service is highly convenient for patients. They can schedule their appointments in advance, which is great if they don’t have much room or a car. Patients can also benefit from a cheaper rate than if they had to drive to a clinic. The service is also excellent for patients with chronic pain because there are no overhead costs associated with renting a space. Mobile physio Adelaide is also ideal for those unable to travel long distances.


If you want to maximize profits for your allied health business, consider a mobile physio service like Advance Allied’s. Mobile physio services allow you to choose where to work, and they are ideal for busy people who don’t have enough space to hold a physical therapy clinic in their home. In addition, these services can provide quality care in the comfort of your home, and you can charge more for the more comprehensive services you offer.

You must purchase a suitable vehicle and basic PH therapy equipment to set up a mobile physio service in Adelaide. You will also need a laptop with accounting software, a mobile POS solution, and a marketing strategy. Once you have these things, you are ready to start marketing your business and gaining clientele. You can also choose to offer more extensive services, such as acupuncture. It would be best if you also determined how much your services will cost.